recent events

In normal times, Neuro Central is very active holding both fundraising and social events. These are all highlighted in our newsletters which we aim to produce twice a year. 

You can find copies of all our newsletters here

Our most recent events: 

 Beat Neurological Conditions

Our final event of 2021 took place on Sunday 19 December on Auchterarder Main Street beside the Christmas tree. The Neuro Central drumming band had been rehearsing over the past couple of months and put on a performance raise awareness of Neuro Central and what we do. Afterwards everyone was invited to come to Aytoun Hall for some festive refreshments and our Christmas raffle. Once again, the star prize was one of Heather’s amazing Gingerbread Houses.

As always this year, we had to be very aware of the possibility of the Covid virus in the community. Because this was an outdoor event, we considered it safe to go ahead provided suitable precautions were taken. These included asking those attending to take a Lateral Flow Test beforehand, and ensuring social distancing and adequate ventilation at the hall.

Mystical Entertainment Evening 

Many thanks to all who supported our Mystical Entertainment Evening held at Blackford Bowling Club on 30 September 2019. Special thanks to Lynda Buchan and her associate, Scott St. Clair and Blackford Bowling Club. We raised an amazing £646 for Neuro Central. As a thank you to Lynda, she requested Neuro Central make a donation to Strathcarron Hospice. They were greatly appreciative of this donation.


You can find more of our fundraising events here, and a gallery of activities that we’ve undertaken here.