
You will find the public face of Neuro Central on Facebook. We do also have a Members-Only Facebook Group which contains lots of useful information for you to browse. However, you do have to be a member of this private group to get access. To apply for membership of the group, please email with your details. 

Neurological Physiotherapy 

We provide weekly Neuro Physio exercise classes led by Katy Page through Zoom. These are mainly seated exercises, tailored to the needs of the group, from the comfort of your own home. A link to the Zoom session is published on our Facebook page and issued to members through weekly emails. 

If you would like to experience an exercise class led by Katy Page, this video provides a 47 minute seated exercise class suited to members of NeuroCentral.


Katherine Dandridge, a Certified Health Coach and Acupuncturist gave us a presentation by Zoom on the benefits of  ​Acupressure. If you missed it, please download a copy of a the slides from this presentation


Our podiatrist Claire Hamilton-McPhee gives some helpful podiatry advice in this recording which is 33 minutes long. 

Oral Health 

​Rebecca Valente, BSc in Oral Health Science, gave us advice on Oral Health through a Zoom presentation.  

If you belong to the Members Facebook Group you can watch a recording of the presentation. It’s 39 minutes long.


You can find an introduction to our Counsellor, Harriet Hay, through this video.

Harriet Hay  (12 minutes)

Relaxation Audio Track Sessions     

You can find two relaxation tracks on Dropbox provided by Scott Montgomery. Please read his guidance notes which are in the same location.                      

Healthy Living 

This page from NHS Scotland’s Inform website gives information on what you can do to look after your mental and physical wellbeing. There’s advice on stopping smoking, eating well and how to get enough exercise. 

Anything Else? 

If there’s any other information that you’re looking for, we’ll help if we can. You can contact us through our Contact Us page.